Archive for the ‘Art/Craft’ Category

To nose, or not to nose…..

Friday, January 28th, 2011

I did two prints today and for some reason when I was drawing them up, they just needed to have noses.  None of my girls have ever had noses, not sure why exactly.  It poses some problems at times, I cant really do side views of them as they look like one eyed balloons for instance.  Of late I have become highly enamoured of other peoples drawings etc of pink noses too, they are so adorable, like a nose blush or something.  Anyway, these two girls have noses.
maskeddeergirl copy
masked bunny copy
and this girl in her original form has no nose, but I sort of mocked up a nose version of her, which do you prefer?
not-to-nose copy
tonose copy
are they still  my girls if they grow a new apendage?

Bit late with the pictures of Christmas goodies!

Friday, December 31st, 2010

Ive been so lazy this year getting my pictures of some of the Christmas edible goodies up!  Paul made 730 hand made filled chocolates this year, so many that we couldnt fit all of them on the table I use to take photos on!  We still have a little tub left over too.
Here they are filling the table
and some pretty close ups
Made some new packaging for them this year too, Bandit Chef rides again!
The “this year with love” part of the text drew much hilarity as to what the emotion would be for next year or for previous years, “spleen” got a lot of votes…..well it got mine, its such a good word.
and finally our traditional iced Christmas cake, last year I branched out a bit from the usual Christmas stuff and went with “where the wild things are”, so I thought I might do that again and decided we would have a Totoro Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you all and have a Happy New Year as well.

Big ceramic catch up!

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

I realised yesterday that I had gotten quite behind in my show and tell of my ceramic works*L*  Im in a very lazy Christmas holiday mood I think, but I rounded them all up and here they are
I think this is my favourite, she is a vase, she was meant to be a bud vase, but I got a little carried away and she is quite large now
Here she is without her mad flower “hat” or “thoughts”, she looks almost nude I think
Next is the Bunny Rider, I thought after the bunny being so heavy that putting the girl on top would collapse the whole thing and very nearly gave up, but Im glad I didnt in the end.  The tree is inspired by the Staffordshire ones that are used to hold up various animals in their ceramic works.  Of course you can hardly see it though.
another item just to fill up the other dome I own
and finally this one is a little sad.  I made this girl so that she could sit on her custom chair or perch merrily out in the world……however, the people that fired her were a little careless and pushed her against the blocks she was sitting on, she was being glazed so of course her poor legs fused to the blocks!  They had to snap her legs!  It looked horrible, but Paul patiently glued her seamlessly back together.  She was to be for a lovely couple though and sadly cant be sold in her current condition, so she is staying we me I think.
there is one more……but he is a secret for now.
thanks for looking

Jamfancy/ Sydney National Blythe Meet Raffle!

Sunday, November 21st, 2010

The Australian National Blythe Meet is on again next year in Sydney in 2011 and the organisers are gathering funds.  To that end how would you like to buy a raffle ticket for $10.00au for the chance to win an outfit set for your blythe made by me?  50 tickets are on sale and the prize will be drawn once they have sold.  Many more details and the place to buy your tickets right here!  Open to international folks as well  : )
The set includes a felt deer, bambi fur hat with velvet bow, crochet print headscarf, crochet shawl that does up with a lace flower pin, faux fur lace edged tippet with a glass flower button closure, a white gathered underdress and a patchwork russian scarf print, elasticised shirred overdress with faux fur and net ruffle trim and silk skirt (doll not included)
Huge thanks to Narelle for taking these super pictures of the set, best and worse idea I ever had, not sure I will ever be able to take pictures myself and show them without a degree of shame*L*  Best of luck to the organisers too, its a huge amount of work to undertake but its always a great day for Australian Blythe collectors.
thanks and bye

Cermics for presents, ceramics for sale!

Monday, November 15th, 2010

Been busting to show you these two cats I made for my Mums Birthday, but obviously I had to keep them a surprise.  They lived on my mantel for a week and she very nearly didnt get them after all…..
cats closer
They are supposed to be like the Staffordshire dogs and cats for Mantels and firesides (right hand click view image to see them bigger)
The black one is just a tiny bit bigger than the brown one though, but I think they came out quite nicely in the end.
and now for the ones for sale in the future, not sure if they will be online or just in the gallery that has my prints
These are quite small, only about 4 inches high
I think this one is my favourite
another present one goes in for firing this week and another sale girl will get dipped and hopefully her potential owners will like her when she is done.

New prints again

Sunday, October 31st, 2010

Four new prints are in the Etsy store!
seatedgirl copy
circusbear copy
drink me copy
puppet copy
and here is a very exciting picture of our vegetable garden, the plants are so much bigger now and it was only a week or so back that I took the picutre, I have become completely obsessed by it too, Im always checking to see if things have grown and taking nibbles as well
We had our very first three stawberries the other day, a tiny repast, but it felt like such an achievement*L*

Is it macaron madness?

Sunday, September 19th, 2010

Here are the foodie ceramics that I brought home from class the other day, a theme seems to be developing…
and of course that theme is macarons!*L*  These are for a set of glass domes I bought that turned out to be the wrong size!  Finally something to go in them.
and this is Paul, the Bandit Chef, holding a tiny little rose macaron, whilst standing in front of a whopping great big rose macaron that now holds our ipod and any other stray bits in the lounge room
well, its either a whopping great macaron, or a pink hamburger anyway
better start making some stuff to get ready for next terms class!

More sweeties

Thursday, September 16th, 2010

Got back some more ceramic pieces from class today, Ive been rather looking forward to these two especially.
The first is a lady in a hat lolly bowl
Ive always wanted a sort of fancy lolly bowl, permanently full of sweeties, like the one my Nana had
Now I just have to wait to fill her up with chocolates from Pauls course in a week or so
and this fellow
He is a bit tricky to photograph right now as I havent attached him to a wall yet, but wanted to show him anyway
Just what the house needs really, a bit more ceramic taxidermy : )
thanks for looking

For the Modern Gentleman

Friday, September 3rd, 2010

I made these Button Holes for the “Modern Gentleman” for Paul for our most recent anniversary
close flowers
for me I made this star headband as something to go with my very glittery and very early Birthday present.  Its a bracelet and necklace all in rhinestone, shiny.
How dapper are we both going to be this Christmas? : )

Geisha Day

Tuesday, August 31st, 2010

Just got my little Geisha ceramic back today, I think those stripes are making her my new favourite
and I put a new Geisha print in the store “Candy Apple”.  Ive gone green mad by the way, if its green, I seem to love it.


New broochespink bunny broochnew broochesnew broochesbrown bunny broochblack bunny brooch3 bunny broochsceramic bunny dolls